Explore The Gordon Highlanders Museum
Woven into local and world history, discover how The Gordon Highlanders became one of the most famous regiments in the British Army
Uncover the celebrated history of The Gordon Highlanders, one of the greatest regiments to have served in the British Army. Our Museum boasts a Nationally Significant Collection recounting the 200-year history of “the Finest Regiment in the World!”.
The Regiment’s story begins during Napoleonic times, continues through the Victorian and Edwardian eras, both World Wars and onward through the 20th century. Tour highlights include:
- 11 original Victoria Crosses on display
- WW1 Replica Trench
- An extensive Armoury
- Beautiful Regimental Silver
- Authentic Officers Mess
- Memorial Gardens

No visit to the Museum would be complete without a visit to our fantastic WW1 Trench. Let our Museum Guides tell the story of the Gordon Highlanders during the First World War, whilst you experience and feel ‘trench-life’ for yourselves!
Our beautiful memorial gardens pay tribute to Gordon Highlanders of the past. A lovely place to visit at any time of the year, why not get lost in the tranquility of the setting when you arrive?
The Gordon Highlanders Museum Gardens, which had fallen into disrepair since the time of Sir George Reid, were extensively redesigned and laid out as a gift to the regiment by Dr Tom Smith in 1997. They are also testament to the hard work and commitment expended by all of the garden volunteers.

Take a trip through history and explore our collection online. Our Curatorial team are always hard at work aquiring new and exciting items from the valiant past of the Regiment.