Check out some of the previous events and news from The Gordon Highlanders Museum.
Normandy Ceremony to Remember Fallen Scottish Heroes
On Saturday the 12th of June 2021, a poignant ceremony was held in the village of Manneville-es-Plains, Normandy, just a few miles inland from the beaches of St Valery-en-Caux, where exactly 81 years earlier thousands of British soldiers of the 51st (Highland)...

The Gordon Highlanders Museum Gets To Star In The Brand New Aberdeen Monopoly Game !
The official Aberdeen MONOPOLY game hits shop shelves this morning. And .. drum roll .. we get to star in it ! The Museum occupies a light blue coloured space in this brand new edition, which was being launched this morning at a red-carpet ceremony at the Aberdeen Art...

Outbreak 80
The Gordon Highlanders during the “Twilight War” 1939-1940 On 3 September 1939, the British Empire and France declared war on Germany following its invasion of Poland. The Second World War (1939-1945) split the nations of the world into two opposing military...

New Website Goes Live
The Gordon Highlanders Museum is extremely pleased to announce that our new website has gone live! Offering easier navigation and a more aesthetically pleasing design the new website will allow users to find out more about The Regiments famous 200-year history, offer...

Museum retains its 5-Star Status
The Gordon Highlanders Museum are pleased to announce that we have continued to hit the high benchmarks placed by Visit Scotland and continue to be a 5-star Visitor Attraction; the only one in Aberdeen! Chief Executive Bryan Snelling said "I am delighted for the...