The Gordon Highlanders Regimental Association

Supporting Gordon Highlanders’ Veterans and their Families


The Gordon Highlanders Regimental Association was instituted in 1930 and aims to foster esprit de corps and keep alive reunions and meetings of comradeship between officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and the men of The Gordon Highlanders Regiment.

On 17 September 1994, as a result of the amalgamation with The Queen’s Own Highlanders (Seaforth & Camerons), The Gordon Highlanders ceased to exist as a Regular Line Infantry Regiment. However, The Gordon Highlanders Association continues and thrives! The Association has its primary aim of Welfare support to our veteran Gordon Highlanders throughout the UK and beyond and in particular, providing assistance to those who have fallen on hard times. The Association also supports widows and children of Gordon Highlanders and ensures that pensioners and veterans of the Regiment are well cared for.

Gordon Highlander Welfare applications submitted through SSAFA, Poppy Scotland and The Royal British Legion and other organisations supporting our veterans will receive funding support.

The Association also provides support for a wide variety of veteran activities – Regimental Gatherings, Regimental Armed Forces Day and Remembrance Parades, Battlefield Tours to Regimental conflict areas and not least special occasions such as our annual Widow and Widowers Christmas lunch. The Gordon Highlanders Association Trust is run by a small team of Trustees, but we take great pride in the support we provide to our, sadly, diminishing number of veterans.

The Gordon Highlanders Association Trust

Chairman/Regimental Secretary/Treasurer: Major GA Irvine-Fortescue DL 

The Gordon Highlanders Regimental Association
c/o The Gordon Highlanders Museum
St. Luke’s, Viewfield Road
AB15 7XH


There are 8 Regimental Association Branches across the UK as well as the Gordon Highlanders Association Drums & Pipes. Each Branch holds its own meetings and annual events. Details of the principal office bearers for each branch can be found below. To contact a local branch please get in touch via the Chairman/Regimental Secretary.

The Gordon Highlanders London Association
Chairman: Captain C Hay MVO
Secretary: Mr SMJ Gatward

Aberdeen Branch
Chairman: Mr R Fromholc
Secretary: Major RE Donald TD

Edinburgh Branch
Chairman: Captain WJ Taylor

Fraserburgh & MacDuff Branch
Chairman: Mr M Ferguson
Secretary: Mr M Gerrie

Inverness Branch
Chairman: Major WC McMaster
Secretary: Mr P Pratt

Nottingham Branch
Chairman: Mr B Stacey
Secretary: Mr I Burnett

Chester Branch
Chairman: Mr J Vass
Secretary: Mr J Bell

Glasgow Branch
Chairman: Mr G Stewart
Secretary: Mr A Williamson

The Gordon Highlanders Association Drums & Pipes
Pipe Major G. Neish
Secretary/Treasurer: Mr R. Thomson


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